Georgia has broken the rules of Eurovision Song Contest 2014. "The country is now threatening to be excluded for three years from the Grand Prix," the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of 12.05.2014. And the magazine Stern explains: "The fact is that the jurors [of Georgia] apparently havn't taken independent opinion seriously, this was lit up by transparency directive." It will be interesting how this story will go on. And please keep in mind key words as independence, free opinion and transparancy.
For months bookmakers, media and Universal Music already carved the Armenian victory in stone. Why Armenia? If Armenia had won, we would have experienced conflicts in Caucasus such as we are currently experiencing in Ukraine. Simultaneous messages, such as NATO prepares in Georgia, could not calm me down. On the contrary.
Instead of this nightmare Armenia has not won and Georgia possibly has turned EBU on its head. Usually the EBU (especially their members from Sweden and Germany) tries to divide non-NATO countries by conflict (best example of this was Germany's smear campaign against Azerbaijan 2011/2012), now Georgia drew EBU into a conflict.
In a stranglehold by military strategist?
To put it concisely: In a non-secret voting 5 Georgian jurors casted invalid votes. Intention? Indifference? Ingorance? Anyway, the Georgians have participated to the terms of the EBU, then have broken the rules and therefore they have challenged the EBU to position itself with a clear statement to this misbehavior.
Since years the PR of ESC is reduced to competition and voting arrangements. Media and fanclubs are feed with key words such as rule tightening, punishment, voting fraud, political voting, diaspora voting, vote buying, infractions and so on. Strikingly, however, rules are only defended to offend non-NATO countries. Even in the coverage of Georgia's scam German media and blogs behave as a kind of police and try to discredit Azerbaijan.
But how has the EBU to behave in the case of Georgia? Is Georgia seen as Nato-country or not? If they take their own rules seriously, they have to block Georgia for three years. Without discussion. As Turkey is already out of the race and as Azerbaijan already pointed out not to be contend with the new voting rules, countries of Caucasus could
thus break away. As a result the ESC and EBU would become uninteresting as a military toy.
Or the EBU does not take their own rules seriously, remains silent or denies the abuse of Georgia for any grotesque justifications ... dependent, unfree and against transparancy.